Tuesday, June 30, 2009

English Class

I have decided that I am going to cook for both of my English classes....This should be interesting!! I have about 25 students total. Then I have the Americans that are here (11 will be here) then those that I would love to include (another 5 or so). So around 45-50 or so. This should be interesting!! I also am going to give each person in my class a Bible or at least a New Testament (English, of course). I'm hoping that I can give it to them next week as well.
I have a few that I need to send some more work home with. I am trying to figure out what to do. If I can give them some things until October when the next team comes, I should be good. I think the husbands are willing to help their wives learn....which is great. The wives didn't have a chance for education because the parents had them watching the animals and didn't think it was important. We will see what happens.

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