Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Friday, June 26, 2009

Today the Baptist Ladies have been touring the college including a trip up Kazemba...there are lots of red ants on the way up. Several of the ladies had ants in their pants (literally). It was humorous to watch them. We spent some time on top of Kazemba praying for the college and what is being done around the campus. On the way down, we were able to see all of the work that had been done this summer thus far. Pretty neat to see the campus from the top.
This afternoon, a couple of my ladies from the English class brought their other children. I found that one (Sabrina) had gotten burned on the inside of her foot and that her mom was cleaning it out with salt. OUCH!!!!!!! The wound was at least a dime sized wound. I just cringed. I went and got some peroxide, triple antibiotic ointment and some gauze. Let's just say she wasn't a big fan of me after I got done. I can tell it really hurt. It needed to be done though. I was worried about infection!! It just amazed me as to what they don't have over here. Things that we take for granted. We decided that the clinic really needs to open!!

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