Sunday, August 2, 2009

Life in the USA...

Ok, it feels like it has been awhile since I updated my blog... I have been in the states for 3 weeks (I think). I have been back to my house for 2 weeks or so and I am currently looking for a job. Unfortunately, there aren't too many jobs out there that I am qualified for. (Most need specialization in carpentry, truck driving etc.) I have given my resume to a friend who is in charge of HR and I have put a few applications in at various places. Right now, I have finally convinced myself not to feel pressured about getting a job RIGHT NOW! I know that financially I am ok for awhile. But since I've been back to Indiana, I feel the pressure of living in the US of gotta get a job, go go go, be be be, and do do do.

Right now, I think I am feeling relaxed and not pressured to get a job RIGHT NOW. I am thankful that there are alot of people praying for me and helping me by keeping me informed of openings. THANK YOU for ALL of your prayers!!

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