Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Thursday, June 25, 2009

I can't believe that I will be leaving Zambia in 2 weeks. I'm not ready to come home!! Kelly and Brian asked if I had started thinking about home yet or thinking about the transition home yet. NOPE!! I've been concentrating on teaching and doing whatever needs to be done here at Kazemba.
It has been pretty neat to get more opportunities to talk to the Ladies and the Pastors that have been here all summer. I have been able to sit down and have some pretty cool conversations. I have been able to hear prayer requests and dreams of some of the pastors. I have been able to see the ladies grow in their English. I have gotten to know them more than just their name.
Please pray as I start the transition back to the states. Pray that it will be a smooth transition and that the culture shock will be minimal.

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